Michèlle Willebrands

President of Mafubo Holland

A Dutch citizen, Michelle is currently a project manager at the European regional office of “Astronomy for Development” based in the Netherlands. Through this office, she builds a bridge between science and society and attempts to implement the many ways in which astronomy can be used as a development tool, ranging from technological opportunities to the cultural roots of astronomy.

She recently completed her research Masters in Astronomy and Scientific Communication and wishes to use her skills and knowledge for the benefit of society. She believes that socio-economic development is a global challenge that requires the dedication of people from all walks of life, where everyone can contribute.

Motivated by the desire to have a significant impact on development, she is very enthusiastic about joining Mafubo International and engaging in the vision of improving the quality of life of women and communities around the world. . In addition to her commitment to astronomy for development, she loves acrobatics and the circus community, as well as exploring new worlds by reading books. She has worked as a teacher in several courses for high school students in the region for many years and now she is delighted to extend her reach by supporting Mafubo.

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